Good Design is Good Business

Good Design is Good Business - Thomas J. Watson Jr., IBM

The question of the measurability of the value contribution of design is probably as old as the discipline itself. But there is a whole series of relevant studies that have addressed this question from different perspectives.

We have compiled what we consider to be the most relevant studies of recent years:

2023: The Value of Design

2023 - The Design Value Framework – Index // Design Economy. The Design Value Framework

Publisher: Design Council, London (UK)
Author: Cat Drew, Bernard Hay, Tim Dudas, Sabina Dewfield, Simran Chadha

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2023: Design In Tech Report

Design In Tech Report 2023 // Design trends revolutionizing the entrepreneurial and corporate ecosystems in tech – AI

Author and publisher: John Maeda

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2022: Study on the economic relevance of design

Studie zur wirtschaftlichen Relevanz von Design (Study on the economic relevance of design) - 2022 // available in German language only

Client: bayern design
Realisation: Joachim Kobuss

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2021: Scoping Project - Design Economy

Design Economy 2021 // Scoping Project – The Economic Value of Design

Client: Design Council UK
Author: Jonathan Todd, Chief Economist at BOP

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2019: The New Design Frontier

The New Design frontier // The widest-ranging report to date examining design’s impact on business

Publisher: Design better – by InVision
Author, implementation and evaluation: Leah Buley

In 2018, InVision surveyed designers from more than 2,200 organizations around the world to create their groundbreaking report, The New Design Frontier. This report explores the behaviors, practices, and outcomes of high-performing teams, which have varying levels of influence on a company’s bottom line.

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2018: The business value of design

The business value of design

Publisher: McKinsey Quarterly
Authors: Benedict Sheppard, Garen Kouyoumjian, Hugo Sarrazin and Fabricio Dore

"How do the best design performers increase their revenues and shareholder returns at nearly twice the rate of their industry counterparts?"

to the McKinsey study

2017: Measuring design value as a key factor of innovation

BEDA Cluster – Measuring design value as a key factor of innovation // Report 2017

Publisher: BEDA – The Bureau of European Design Associations

Building on the legacy of €Design EDII project (2012-2014), this Cluster is aimed at continuing working on inititatives towards measurement and monitoring of design’s contribution to the economy and jobs creation, and about the relevance of these data for policy makers and the design, innovation and business comm unities.

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2015: The Value of Design – Index

The Value of Design – Design Value Index 2015

A Special Report Sponsored by the Design Management Institute in Conjunction with Motiv Strategies

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