Knowledge and Education
Knowledge exchange plays a central role for us as the German Design Council. First-hand knowledge: our events give you an opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences, and our publications provide high-quality content.
The foundation’s library offers a valuable, wide-ranging knowledge platform for all aspects of design and related areas. Established in the 1960s, the holding library is a member of the Association of Frankfurt Museum Libraries and makes extensive design knowledge available to the general public.
The Institute for Design Research and Appliance (IfDRA) at the German Design Council acts as an interface, intermediary and advisor for the different exponents from theory and application-oriented practice. As a representative of design research, the institute sees one of its tasks as bolstering non-academic research through design, which still has little recognition in classic acadamia.
The German Design Museum Foundation promotes design as a key component of education and culture, science and industry. Our aim is to raise interdisciplinary design awareness among a wide audience, to stimulate and further develop creativity, to impart knowledge and breathe life into it. Promoting, teaching, collecting, discussing: The work performed by our foundation pursues these goals nationwide by organising workshops, symposia and exhibitions.